Wednesday, December 30, 2009

when did they come up with the name 'noughties'

So i guess i should reflect on the year. Since everyone's doing their top ten i might as well do mine.
Not in any particular order:
1. individuality!
2. Japanese jazz
3. vintage
4. making fun of chinese music
5. street fashion (both sites and magazines)
6. law and order
7. my lover shirt (still awaiting our wondorous reunion):
8. thrift stores
9. 30 rock
10. Fashion Blogs
who knows... i might even look back on my many stages in this past decade....
thanks for listening even if there were many hiatuses. hope to hear from you guys (or SOMEONE) in the next year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

well it's better than christine...

to distinguish between the three other people with the same name as me (my real name....who names their child 'zeeta'?) my lit teacher wrote on the board '*insert real first name here* (one with the big glasses)'. when i wasnt wearing my glasses. i dont know why i just remembered this now....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

do you know what i hate?

my parents and i are way too different. they hate the city, i love the city. they hate thrift stores, if i had a choice i would just LIVE on thrift stores. they like science, i like humanities. they try to be humble and shit and i am outspoken. did i really come out of my mom's uterus?

maybe i should buy an easy button...

b/c that was easy. korean prep classes make things seem 10x harder than they really are. now i can cross off 'sat II math 2' off my junior checklist. one down. three to go.

so nothing worthwile happened really. im kinda regretting not buying that 80's jacket thing last sunday. meh. maybe ill convince someone to take me tomorrow....


p.s. hay...did you know that they just put all the subject tests in one booklet and give it to you? way to be green college board!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

thanks a lot. i live to look like creepy old men everyday...

...because my lit teacher said that i reminded him of the old man on those six flag commericals when i wore my big glasses. and he said this in a middle of a quiz when i was figuring out what a certain quote told the reader about a guy named gayev who i actually totally misunderstood. completely. and apparently he thinks i need glasses b/c i wear fake ones and that my name is sometimes christine/a...and half of my class thinks im a spaz. well poo to them :P
now before i continue my silly critical review/ summary of the spanish dubbed hercules i proudly present you this video with translations of an awkward song. remember this face...he's coming to a theater near you....

actually i change my mind. ima gonna put it on my tumblr :D
take that blogspot!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

long time no see invisible people

no seriously. check out this website:


the second link is a website my group made for a history project. check it out. help homeless people. feel good about yourself.

anyhoo, hello kiddies (aka my invisible audience. say, i certainly enjoy talking to myself, it's rather fun.) this additional unintended hiatus was probably due to attempts at writing 50,000 words (which i officially gave up today!) and massive piles of school work. So now im back from a month full of too much work, failed nanowrimo, and weekends of eating too much turkey (or in my case mashed potatoes. man that shit is delicious). i went thrifting/ flea marketing a couple of times (once for halloween, one today). i might show you some shit later.

well i better go back to sat math 2c studying (or level 2 or whatever they call it these days). i have to take it on saturday and i have class tomorrow D: (oh yeah. my sat II prep class got move to monday evenings. not a good idea)

i would like to leave you guys with an interesting little site.

but i really like nicole ritchie's. it makes her look rather pretty and i like the artist's style. but then again that's why the author said that it was one of the worst (that she looked pretty not the artist's style).

p.s. i got a new pair of glasses on black friday. and i was so tempted to buy another pair today.
p.p.s. chekhov chekhov chekhov! now that's a name worth knowing if you wanna sound pretentious

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Guess who's back? (back? back?) back again? (gain, gain)

Er...sorry for the unintended month-long hiatus and horrible rap reference (invisible audience).

I think this blog is going through an identity crisis so I'll just generalize this blog as a "the-musings-of-fish-out-of-water-girl-stuck-in-confines-of-suburbia" sort of blog. I read on another person's blog that "you should write what you're passionate about". As i sat pondering all I can really think of were the random small things I'm obsessed with and my hatred for living in suburbia. I guess think of it as a sort of online 'zine' or something....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

maybe my inability to recollect when i last posted it due to the jay chou-loving gods and mauritania

nope. i remember when i last posted (my birthday...ish?)
well that was a little more than a week ago. so far my days have been filled with tests, homework and mauritania (model un folks). oh speaking of model un, the iranian delegate totally went all feminist on us, a very UN-iranian thing to do. sweetie, you're supposed to pretend to represent a COUNTRY, and THEIR beliefs....we don't want your two-cents biasedly mixed into it. i mean my country DENIES that the oh-so blatant fact that is has SLAVERY and you don't see me advocating that my country should open up its GODDAMN EYES because NO ONE IS BUYING IT! (i can yell it out here because we're not in debate. hur hur hur).
*ahem* i'm sorry. when i tried to prove i'm 'right' (which is frequently 'wrong' actually) i tend to get carried away. that's what happens when all you live, eat and breath is mauritania....

on another note recently my friend and i are having a period of f0bsession for *in talkshow host voice* TAIWAN POP SENSATION JAY CHOU!!! (or faux-session sounds cooler...but the other one is also a pun. hur hur hur) as a matter of fact i'm listening to him right now (with one of the songs that i ACTUALLY like from him on repeat). oh jay chou, you crack me up. when he doesnt shave he has the most awkward jaw-line and somewhere i read a profile that said he liked 'black people's music' (no joke. that almost exact wording). plus this music video just cracks EVERYONE up. it's a knee slapper.
dayum i've been listening to him too much. maybe this is the jay chou-loving gods' revenge after the 2 weeks devoid of jay chou in europe....
but seriously, one of the only reasons i listen to him is because i wanna improve my chinese and i can't find GOOD chinese music. even though ZERO people read this blog...any suggestions?

Friday, September 18, 2009

the square root of sixteen candles

so my 16th year was ushered in quite nonchalantly. there was no big celebrations, no sudden change, nothing. well i did have two tests (one that I epicly failed) but nothing too big. if this were last year, i would have probably locked myself in my room and cried until non-existant eyeliner would suddenly appear as black tears rolling down my eyes but this year im kinda okay with it. i actually dont wanna turn 16 b/c now i feel old. it's like im having a sort of acclerated midlife crisis. then again for the past week ive been given a ridiculous amount of hwk so i'm on the verge of insanity...but it was an okay day. phew i just finish personally replying to ALL of the people who posted on my wall wishing me a happy birthday (with a few exceptions of course). there are times like these that make wonder why i feel so unappreciated at times.
ps. srry for all the personal entries. im probably gonna go back to posting other shit later...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

is 16 really sweet?

lame title i know.
tomorrow i turn 16. i hope that 16 turns out to be good. for some reason the past few years have been unsatisfying. oops! i revealed some personal information about myself xD

i hope i can post better posts sooon...


Saturday, September 5, 2009

i just realized that i didnt do anything blog related for 9 days. not even tumblr, and that takes you five minutes at most. damn you studying for standardized tests and school!

this is sargent amadeus rex. which sounds oddly similiar to oedipus rex b/c i was thinking how cool it would sound if rex was at the end of something and i fond of the name amadeus!

these are actually really dorky mens pants but ima gonna wear them as boyfriend shorts and possibly do a little altering in color!

finally a oversized blazer (i also got a fitted one from my friend). i just need to cut out the shoulder pads b/c it looks extremely man-shoulder like

oh for how long have i coveted shoes like these!

what is not cool as a dinosaur cake mold? it's as old as me!

our chocolate with nutella and coffee wine dinosaur cake! it's butterless too!
i wonder why blogspot makes it so aggravating to upload for format pictures....
i haven't tried the cake yet...i wonder if it's even good xD

Edit: we got the recipe for the cake here:
but we altered some parts...

parking lots aren't just for parking anymore!

FINALLY! I WENT TO A FLEA MARKET!!! (with my friend)
there were a lot of really cool second hand stalls. i saw some pretty awesome things and some, well, pretty outrageous things. ha, at one stand i saw vintage pornography in a box (and it was on the top of the pile!). but i got some really cool stuff. ima gonna charge my digital camera soon so ill post my finds later today. i gotta tell you, i found some cool shit.

after we came back to my house, we decided to bake a cake with a dinosaur cake mold i bought (picture later!). it's a very interesting recipe. we had to find a recipe that had no butter because my house happens to be devoid of butter. because i also didn't have vanilla extract and coco powder, we also used starbucks' 'coffee wine' and chopped up chocolate square instead (respectively of course). and just for the hell of it we added nutella!! because we're just that cool

...i should cut the cake out of the cakemold soon...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

at summer's end...

damn. i need to do shit...and do it NOW!
p.s. i found out i dont like teen vogue. its too...teeny... (i would like some tune and rolling stone plz...but more tune)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

so last thursday i went to the library for the first time in about a year (i dont count the student center at my school as a library). when i only intended to borrow two books but two quickly turned into five. currently im reading a wizard from earthsea, the first book of the earthsea series by Ursula Le Guin that inspired tales from earthsea. i'm reading the series because of the movie. i borrowed three 3 f. scott fitzgerald books (this side of paradise, the beautiful and the damned, and a collection of short stories) because now i am secretly obsessed with f. scott fitzgerald and the jazz age in general. hell, i even started to LISTEN to jazz... (even though it is modern, japanese jazz...don't ask)

well that i wanted to say. plus the fact i unneccessarily mentioned my tumblr's url again after having mentioned it in a prior entry. oh well.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

negligence is a word i'm currently too lazy to spell check

yeah. i've been neglecting this blog because i'm addicted to putting random asian things on my tumblr account. i finally (sorta) finished my summer hwk and am currently working on studying for horrid standardized test (i.e. ACTs and SAT II's). it is not fun.

but what is fun is a wondrous adventure in new york! hooray! y'see, even though i'm a suburbanite who lives 30 minutes from the big apple, i barely go into the city because of a) time b) parents don't like to go. so i'm a fledgling when it comes to navigating the city (hell, i'm not even sure how to take the subway). but today i went with my friend and his twin sister and a bunch of their town/out of our school friends. even i only knew two ppl initially, it was an amazingly fun day and everyone there seemed pretty cool. and i somehow wasted most of my money...most of 120 dollars. don't ask, i'm not even sure myself what the hell happened. along with 'use money more efficiently' i learned
a) the difference between avenues and streets in uptown (avenues go horizontal and streets go vertical)
b) port authority is on 42nd street and 8th ave
c) bryant park is between 40th & 41st street and Avenue of the americas & 6th ave
d) koreatown is only one tiny strip and can be a little shady at times.
also, i found this vintage store that i found online once (cheap jack's). i wanted to go but we had to meet ppl. i kinda died inside. hopefully, i can go back to the city this week (w/ a budget less than 40 bucks) and buy me some vintage clothes with one of my friends...if the clothes are that cheap. then again, it was a 70% off sale. hopefully it'll last. really, i should be praying that it's cheap to begin with.
now off i go to sweet slumber and an attempt to solve my sticky financial non-frugality (ah. someone sure has a way with words...*scoffs* 'non-frugality')
p.s. my tumblr btw is it basically, as you might have deduced before, morphed into a diary of strange asian (related?) obsessions...and a random max ernst picture.
p.p.s. hopefully i can scan pictures of the issue of tune i got at kinokuniya. because secretly, i wanna dress like an asian guy....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

who made me overly emotional?

last night it watched tales from earthsea

the end was beautiful (ah ha ha im getting corny)

now i wanna read the book series


Monday, August 17, 2009

by the way...

...i have a tumblr too now.


books are food for the brain

Books I want to read:
This Side of Paridise (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)
Finish Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Malcolm Gladwell)
Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
Through the Looking Glass (Lewis Carroll)
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales (Oliver Sacks)
Any Oliver Sacks Book
Any Chuck Palahniuk book (how cliche...i would put an accent thing but i dont feel like it)
Woman of the Dunes (Kobo Abe)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
A Long Day's Journey into Night (Eugene O'neill)
Any lookbook (rather have Japanese or the New Yorker one...)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (Truman Capote)
The Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro)
The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)
the last two are part of the free choice unit of this im rather excited but im not sure which one to pick D:
i might as well do movies too
Harry Potter 4,5, and 6 (i have lots of friends who like harry potter...i read all the books but stopped at the third movie...)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (and any other audrey hepburn movie)
Breakfast Club
Sixteen Candles (hopefully before i'm 16 would be nice? how cliche again...)
Princess Mononoke
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind.
Tales from Earthsea (currently watching)
Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal Lector seems interesting)
The Godfather (ah ha ha i wanna watch it because of the mafia...)
Yatterman (aha ha ha...i saw it in a plane magazine thing...)

and probably any asian dramas...because i'm sad like that
now ima gonna go and do some hwks so i can somehow convince my mother to allow me to go to "the city" on saturday w/ a couple of friends...
edit: add a clockwork orange to both lists please! and slaughterhouse five to books (im pretty sure that's what it's called)...i am so uncultured that i wanna be's kinda sad...i need to read more books

Saturday, August 15, 2009

epiphany time: i've come to hate disney!

so i finally saw ponyo in theaters. and for some reason i kept on getting this weird urge to become disgusted by everything...i kept on saying how i believed that disney 'oversimplified' everything. i would cringe at certain voices (*coffcoff*BONUS JONAS*coffcoff*) and phrases and criticize how 'the shading's gone' and 'they oversimplified that guy'. my friends joked that i had something against disney and the english language in general. ha ha. but i think it's because i find how awkwardly people tend to translate dubs, espeically for children's movies/shows. it's probably because some things have cultural meanings that americans don't understand, so they make it really awkward. i remember hearing a little kid ask 'sosuke? what kind of name is that?' and the fact the first two times they mention his names, it made him sound like a naruto character... well, i was proved wrong that there WASN'T shading in some parts....whoops! but i still think that there ARE some parts where there was extreme oversimplification (is that a word...?). i even downloaded the japanese movie to make sure that there WERE points that were oversimplified. DISNEY CONSPIRACY FOR THE WIN!!!

oh! i just finished reading the whole cardcaptor sakura series (did this blog just go anime crazy? i swear i got over that phase before the beginning of 9th grade...). i havent read a lot of it since 6th grade and i'd started reading it when i was around 8 or 9! oh~ childhood memories! but after re-reading it, i found a lot very (let's call it) 'grownup' undertones... pedophilia, homosexuality and a lot vague sexual innuendos... well i'm okay with the homosexuality and i remembered that there were two possibly gay guys but i realized that someone was basically homosexual as well...but im okay with that. but the series is rampant with pedophilia it's not even funny...but still quite enjoyed it. even though some of the beginning chapters were a little awkwardly juvenile...

why do i want her outfit (left)

well that's it for now. i swear, this ISN'T gonna be an 'otaku' (aka anime-obsessed...did i revert back to japanligh???)'s just that it sorta buys in too my slight japanophilia... (i SWEAR, ill talk about other things...)


Thursday, August 13, 2009

hopefully that veoh compass download is worth it...

PONYO'S COMING OUT TOMORROW! hayao miyazaki is actually gonna be IN THEATERS!!! I EFFING LOVE MIYAZAKI'S WORK! i gotta see it!

...well actually i'm gonna watch the original on veoh first. i even download that weird veoh compass thing so i can watch the whole thing instead of the stupid five minute preview. i wanna see the original because usually english dubs suck. especially with disney. some of the voice actors are okay (tina fey, all the old ladies, liam neeson, even matt damon) but...who uses the bonus jonas or miley's little sister? weelll...the mini cryus is actually okay because (even though i think it's a little to loud and whiny) it kinda matches the character (a little girl). but the at first i thought he was okay until he says 'ponyo'. argh! i hate it when english dubs say japanese names really awkwardly... im not 100% about him so i'll watch the movie in english first and then judge.

oh ha ha! a trailer just came on. and before i was watching 40 rock (tina fey).

i'll write more tomorrow. hopefully ill finish all my work by tomorrow!


i want this puppet :D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I have another blog but I wanna keep that one private.

So I made a new one!

And yesterday I got spiffy new black glasses!!

did you know i don't need to wear glasses?and like to wear unnecessary ones? and sometimes can't spell?


P.S. I should be really be finishing oedipus and my chem homework