Saturday, September 5, 2009

i just realized that i didnt do anything blog related for 9 days. not even tumblr, and that takes you five minutes at most. damn you studying for standardized tests and school!

this is sargent amadeus rex. which sounds oddly similiar to oedipus rex b/c i was thinking how cool it would sound if rex was at the end of something and i fond of the name amadeus!

these are actually really dorky mens pants but ima gonna wear them as boyfriend shorts and possibly do a little altering in color!

finally a oversized blazer (i also got a fitted one from my friend). i just need to cut out the shoulder pads b/c it looks extremely man-shoulder like

oh for how long have i coveted shoes like these!

what is not cool as a dinosaur cake mold? it's as old as me!

our chocolate with nutella and coffee wine dinosaur cake! it's butterless too!
i wonder why blogspot makes it so aggravating to upload for format pictures....
i haven't tried the cake yet...i wonder if it's even good xD

Edit: we got the recipe for the cake here:
but we altered some parts...

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