Sunday, September 27, 2009

maybe my inability to recollect when i last posted it due to the jay chou-loving gods and mauritania

nope. i remember when i last posted (my birthday...ish?)
well that was a little more than a week ago. so far my days have been filled with tests, homework and mauritania (model un folks). oh speaking of model un, the iranian delegate totally went all feminist on us, a very UN-iranian thing to do. sweetie, you're supposed to pretend to represent a COUNTRY, and THEIR beliefs....we don't want your two-cents biasedly mixed into it. i mean my country DENIES that the oh-so blatant fact that is has SLAVERY and you don't see me advocating that my country should open up its GODDAMN EYES because NO ONE IS BUYING IT! (i can yell it out here because we're not in debate. hur hur hur).
*ahem* i'm sorry. when i tried to prove i'm 'right' (which is frequently 'wrong' actually) i tend to get carried away. that's what happens when all you live, eat and breath is mauritania....

on another note recently my friend and i are having a period of f0bsession for *in talkshow host voice* TAIWAN POP SENSATION JAY CHOU!!! (or faux-session sounds cooler...but the other one is also a pun. hur hur hur) as a matter of fact i'm listening to him right now (with one of the songs that i ACTUALLY like from him on repeat). oh jay chou, you crack me up. when he doesnt shave he has the most awkward jaw-line and somewhere i read a profile that said he liked 'black people's music' (no joke. that almost exact wording). plus this music video just cracks EVERYONE up. it's a knee slapper.
dayum i've been listening to him too much. maybe this is the jay chou-loving gods' revenge after the 2 weeks devoid of jay chou in europe....
but seriously, one of the only reasons i listen to him is because i wanna improve my chinese and i can't find GOOD chinese music. even though ZERO people read this blog...any suggestions?

Friday, September 18, 2009

the square root of sixteen candles

so my 16th year was ushered in quite nonchalantly. there was no big celebrations, no sudden change, nothing. well i did have two tests (one that I epicly failed) but nothing too big. if this were last year, i would have probably locked myself in my room and cried until non-existant eyeliner would suddenly appear as black tears rolling down my eyes but this year im kinda okay with it. i actually dont wanna turn 16 b/c now i feel old. it's like im having a sort of acclerated midlife crisis. then again for the past week ive been given a ridiculous amount of hwk so i'm on the verge of insanity...but it was an okay day. phew i just finish personally replying to ALL of the people who posted on my wall wishing me a happy birthday (with a few exceptions of course). there are times like these that make wonder why i feel so unappreciated at times.
ps. srry for all the personal entries. im probably gonna go back to posting other shit later...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

is 16 really sweet?

lame title i know.
tomorrow i turn 16. i hope that 16 turns out to be good. for some reason the past few years have been unsatisfying. oops! i revealed some personal information about myself xD

i hope i can post better posts sooon...


Saturday, September 5, 2009

i just realized that i didnt do anything blog related for 9 days. not even tumblr, and that takes you five minutes at most. damn you studying for standardized tests and school!

this is sargent amadeus rex. which sounds oddly similiar to oedipus rex b/c i was thinking how cool it would sound if rex was at the end of something and i fond of the name amadeus!

these are actually really dorky mens pants but ima gonna wear them as boyfriend shorts and possibly do a little altering in color!

finally a oversized blazer (i also got a fitted one from my friend). i just need to cut out the shoulder pads b/c it looks extremely man-shoulder like

oh for how long have i coveted shoes like these!

what is not cool as a dinosaur cake mold? it's as old as me!

our chocolate with nutella and coffee wine dinosaur cake! it's butterless too!
i wonder why blogspot makes it so aggravating to upload for format pictures....
i haven't tried the cake yet...i wonder if it's even good xD

Edit: we got the recipe for the cake here:
but we altered some parts...

parking lots aren't just for parking anymore!

FINALLY! I WENT TO A FLEA MARKET!!! (with my friend)
there were a lot of really cool second hand stalls. i saw some pretty awesome things and some, well, pretty outrageous things. ha, at one stand i saw vintage pornography in a box (and it was on the top of the pile!). but i got some really cool stuff. ima gonna charge my digital camera soon so ill post my finds later today. i gotta tell you, i found some cool shit.

after we came back to my house, we decided to bake a cake with a dinosaur cake mold i bought (picture later!). it's a very interesting recipe. we had to find a recipe that had no butter because my house happens to be devoid of butter. because i also didn't have vanilla extract and coco powder, we also used starbucks' 'coffee wine' and chopped up chocolate square instead (respectively of course). and just for the hell of it we added nutella!! because we're just that cool

...i should cut the cake out of the cakemold soon...
