Wednesday, December 30, 2009

when did they come up with the name 'noughties'

So i guess i should reflect on the year. Since everyone's doing their top ten i might as well do mine.
Not in any particular order:
1. individuality!
2. Japanese jazz
3. vintage
4. making fun of chinese music
5. street fashion (both sites and magazines)
6. law and order
7. my lover shirt (still awaiting our wondorous reunion):
8. thrift stores
9. 30 rock
10. Fashion Blogs
who knows... i might even look back on my many stages in this past decade....
thanks for listening even if there were many hiatuses. hope to hear from you guys (or SOMEONE) in the next year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

well it's better than christine...

to distinguish between the three other people with the same name as me (my real name....who names their child 'zeeta'?) my lit teacher wrote on the board '*insert real first name here* (one with the big glasses)'. when i wasnt wearing my glasses. i dont know why i just remembered this now....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

do you know what i hate?

my parents and i are way too different. they hate the city, i love the city. they hate thrift stores, if i had a choice i would just LIVE on thrift stores. they like science, i like humanities. they try to be humble and shit and i am outspoken. did i really come out of my mom's uterus?

maybe i should buy an easy button...

b/c that was easy. korean prep classes make things seem 10x harder than they really are. now i can cross off 'sat II math 2' off my junior checklist. one down. three to go.

so nothing worthwile happened really. im kinda regretting not buying that 80's jacket thing last sunday. meh. maybe ill convince someone to take me tomorrow....


p.s. hay...did you know that they just put all the subject tests in one booklet and give it to you? way to be green college board!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

thanks a lot. i live to look like creepy old men everyday...

...because my lit teacher said that i reminded him of the old man on those six flag commericals when i wore my big glasses. and he said this in a middle of a quiz when i was figuring out what a certain quote told the reader about a guy named gayev who i actually totally misunderstood. completely. and apparently he thinks i need glasses b/c i wear fake ones and that my name is sometimes christine/a...and half of my class thinks im a spaz. well poo to them :P
now before i continue my silly critical review/ summary of the spanish dubbed hercules i proudly present you this video with translations of an awkward song. remember this face...he's coming to a theater near you....

actually i change my mind. ima gonna put it on my tumblr :D
take that blogspot!