Wednesday, March 24, 2010

mighty morping power rangers

Power rangers who go to backwards prom (morp)

haha prom....
I have ambivalent feelings towards prom.  I have a dress (bought by force...long story) but I don't think I would want to go. I also have shoes I want to wear to prom but...I'm only using prom as an excuse to buy 120 euro/180 dollar shoes (which my parents probably wont let me buy).  And then prom itself is a lot of money.  So I guess my only criteria for going to prom is if I can fit back into my dress (damn you junior year stress!).  And dates?  I'm probably going stag. Or with a gigantic stuffed giraffe.

And the more I think about prom, the more expensive I realize it probably would be.  And the less I want to go....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

junior year + common assessment= EH HEH HEH HEH

AH HA. and now I'm not mentally stable xD
But I was really happy to find out I do have a reader on this blog! It was lovely to hear from you!!!
So I decided to write on this blog again!

So here's the deal.  Our school used to never have midterms because (since basically it's a nerd school where kids have to test in and ace an interview) the school was 'beyond midterms'.  It was so liberal that there was even a program when students did not even have to necessarily go to school five times a week because their doing smart nerd stuff outside of school (do you love how I describes things? how very nerdy...*puts coin in the sarcasm jar*).  But now (well after I became a freshman) they decided that they had to have some form of a midterm because 'the state said so' (an adult game of he said/she said).  So, to make it sound like liberal, experimental 'awesomeness', our school calls these tests 'common assessments' to sound pretentious like we're beyond stereotypical high schools. Like we're some MEGA SCHOOL.  And that's why I should have my physics book open and be practicing problems about electric currents.  But no, I'm on tumblr, staring at my friend's post (a simple piece of paper with the word "THINK." in medium sized, black typewriter font.  Ironic no?)

I know this post was not that interesting but I hope I can write more interesting things in the future.  And not talk like a whiny teenage girl.  Which I feel like now...damn you junior year!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

RIP J.D. Salinger

I pratically screamed when I read about it in History class. And then my teacher told to shut up and read my packet.
And then someone said that it didn't matter because he was a recluse anyway. It could have been my history teacher. Oh well.
But I really do love that book. Catcher in the Rye. My friend hated it but I liked it. He said that Holden doesn't really do anything. Really now? I should probably shove Waiting for Godot in his face. That'll show him nothing! =9